Cultura y Deporte resolves the first general aid procedure for the production of feature films on a project for an amount of 30 million euros

Nov 9, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The total budget allocation for this line of aid is 62 million euros, to be resolved in 2 procedures, which represents an increase of 6 million euros with respect to 2022.

Cultura y Deporte

The Ministry of Culture and Sport, through the Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales (ICAA), has resolved the first general aid procedure for the production of feature films on 2023 project for an amount of 30,012,000 euros, of which 2 million are financed through the Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia (PRTR) and the rest with the Fondo de Protección a la Cinematografía.

The total budget allocation for the 2023 call is 62 million euros, to be resolved in 2 procedures, which represents an increase of 6 million euros with respect to 2022.

Of the 50 projects that applied for aid, 25 have been beneficiaries. Of these, 23 projects correspond to the fiction category, for an amount of 27,212,000 euros; and 2 projects correspond to the animation category, for an amount of 2,800,000 euros.

Of the 25 beneficiary projects, 11 are international co-productions and have obtained grants amounting to 13,072,000.00 euros, which represents 43.55% of the total allocation.

Female presence
With respect to the presence of women, of the 10 projects directed exclusively by women who applied for aid, 6 projects were awarded a total of 7,100,000 euros, or 23.67% of the total amount. Likewise, of the 13 projects submitted with scripts written exclusively by women, 9 are beneficiaries, which represents 36% of the total number of projects that have been granted aid.

Furthermore, of the 6 projects submitted in which the direction and script were written by women, 5 were selected. With respect to executive production, 21 out of a total of 45 projects with women in this position were selected as beneficiaries.

Autonomous Communities
By autonomous communities, 2 Andalusian production companies receive a total amount of 120,000 euros for their respective projects; a production company from Aragón receives 1,040,000 euros for the production of a feature film; 21 Catalan production companies, with participation in 13 different projects, receive a total of 10,892,856 euros; 20 production companies from Madrid, with participation in 12 projects, receive 9,870,436 euros; 3 production companies from Valencia receive 1,388,588 euros for their participation in 12 projects. 856 euros; 20 production companies from Madrid, with participation in 12 projects, receive 9,870,436 euros; 3 production companies from Valencia receive 1,388,588 euros for their participation in 3 feature films; 3 production companies from Galicia receive 1,015,600 euros for their participation in 2 feature films; and 11 production companies from the Basque Country receive 5,684,520 euros for the production of 7 feature films.