Inca reaffirms its commitment to children and adolescents

Nov 9, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The City Council has approved a Local Plan for Children and Adolescents in order to place these groups at the centre of local policies, in line with the Rights of the Child of the United Nations.

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Reaffirms its commitment to children and adolescents

At the same time, it has again applied for recognition as a Child-Friendly City, awarded by the Spanish Committee of Unicef.

During the last ordinary session of the municipal plenary, the City Council of Inca approved the Local Plan for Children and Adolescents 2023 in order to give continuity to the policies implemented in recent years. “We have opted to give a more relevant role to citizens and younger citizens, offering spaces and resources for their active participation in the development of the municipality. With this plan, then, we want to go a step further and give continuity and consistency to all the efforts made in recent years, “says the Councillor for Education, Helena Cayetano.

In this way, the consistory of the capital of Raiguer promotes, in parallel, the process of renewal of the distinctive Unicef “Child Friendly City”, now that the validity of this recognition that was granted to the municipality of Inca in 2018 has been exhausted. In this regard, it should be noted that a representation of Unicef already moved last week to Inca to meet with the Children’s Council of the city; as well as the municipal technicians; the mayor of Inca, Virgili Moreno; and the councilor Helena Cayetano, to know the details of the new Local Plan for Children and Adolescents.

The objective of this new document is, first of all, to promote the active participation of children and adolescents, promoting alliances between the different actors related to children in the municipal area. On the other hand, it seeks to design and implement effective public policies that improve the well-being of children and adolescents, transforming Inca into an environment conducive to their comprehensive development.

The plan is organized in 5 broad strategic lines, according to the following objectives:
Right to be valued, respected and treated fairly 2.
2. Right to be escorted
3. Right to essential services
4. Right to live in safe and clean environments
5. Right to be a child:

From here, priorities are defined and different actions are proposed to be developed in many areas, as well as transversal axes that encompass initiatives that affect different sectors or departments.

Unicef’s “Child-Friendly Cities” program has the vision that every child, doll and adolescent should enjoy their childhood and adolescence and develop their full potential through the equal realization of their rights in their cities and communities. For this reason, since the City Council received this distinction, it has been implementing different actions, projects and activities with the aim of promoting child and youth participation, offering spaces and resources for active participation in the development of the municipality; promoting initiatives in favour of children, adolescents and their families, developed by different municipal areas to achieve the full development of children and adolescents; to improve the city, initiatives and actions directly or indirectly related to children and adolescents; and to bring the administration closer to them, promoting knowledge of all those actions carried out in relation to children and adolescents and promoting responsible, critical and committed citizenship with their environment. bgb