The Public Library of Palma “Can Sales” starts a new cycle of conferences on youth literature.

Nov 9, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The first conference will be given by the writer Javier Ruescas.

Public Library of Palma

Next Friday, November 10th, at 6 p.m., the Public Library of Palma “Can Sales” will receive a very special visit. The writer Javier Ruescas will come to Mallorca to talk about books, writing and new ways of reading with the conference “Reading in the digital age is perfect”. With him, we will learn more about the way young and not-so-young people relate to literature.

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Javier Ruescas began writing his first full-length novel at the age of 15, entitled Los protectores de Imeth, and, although it was never published, he continued writing while he graduated in Journalism. In 2009 he was finally able to publish Encantamiento de Luna, the first part of the trilogy Cuentos de Bereth. In 2012 he published Play, which will be one of his best-known works and the first part of a trilogy that continues with Show and Live, whose rights have been purchased to adapt it to the big screen. Later, he published Pulsaciones, a book he wrote with Francesc Miralles, in a format based on instant messaging. Both Play and Pulsaciones have been selected among the best juvenile novels of 2012 and 2013.

A creative writing teacher, he manages his own social networks and is one of the founders of the digital magazine of youth literature El templo de las mil Puertas (The Temple of a Thousand Doors). He has worked as an editor and has participated in various lectures, talks and international round tables on new technologies, young authors and the situation of youth literature in Spain. In 2013 he was selected as a member of the Spanish hub of the Global Shapers, the world’s largest network of young leaders under 30, created by the World Economic Forum. The author, who has been writing since the age of 11, became known on the Internet as an administrator of the website, dedicated to the Twilight saga, and is currently a well-known YouTuber (and bibliotuber), whose channel has more than 300,000 subscribers. In his videos, among others, he talks about book sagas or makes recommendations.

He has recently published La Abuela espía together with Andrés Quinzaños and has been awarded the PGR ONG Solidaritat 2023 prize.

It should be recalled that, in addition to the conference by Javier Ruescas on Friday, November 10, the library has scheduled for the months of November and December drawing workshops taught by Aina Llobera. This month’s workshop, Comic Design, is scheduled for Monday, November 27, at 6 p.m., in the youth room.