The eighth edition of the Tramuntana Tech Talks brings together the CEOs of the most cutting-edge companies

Nov 10, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The event, which will take place at ParcBit and CentreBit Menorca, is the essential annual meeting point for technology startups

The Directorate General for Research, Innovation and Digital Transformation and the Bit Foundation, in its work to strengthen and accompany the Balearic ecosystem of innovation and technology startups, organize the eighth edition of the Tramuntana Tech Talks cycle, a set of free talks where professionals from the technology sector of great prestige address relevant topics within the business world, aimed at entrepreneurs and emerging companies (Startups).

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The eighth edition of the Tramuntana Tech Talks

This fall, professionals from highly recognized companies will participate in the Tramuntana Tech Talks. Inaugurating the sessions on November 16 will be entrepreneur Carlos de Otto, who in addition to mentoring one of the most renowned accelerators, Seedrocket, has founded several companies related to music, health, marketing and technology. One of his creations is, Livetobe and Senda. He is also a mentor at Seedrocket, one of the most prestigious accelerators in the national territory that works to promote startups with high growth potential to present to its network of investors and mentors since 2008. He also collaborates with other companies as an advisor. Carlos de Otto is an economist from Heriot-Vatio University in Edinburgh with an MBA from the Instituto de Empresa in Madrid.

On November 23 it will be the turn of Juan García. He is the founder and CEO of Exponential, a technology company focused on digital transformation through automation and process improvement, specializing in Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain. It was chosen by Forbes as the most innovative of 2022, the year in which he was recognized by Nueva Talento as one of the top 10 talents in Software, Cloud & IT in Spain. He is also part of the select group of Quixote Leaders.