The Consell de Mallorca will install 17 cameras with license plate readers and sound meters in the Serra and will provide the information to the DGT

Nov 11, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Councilor of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures, Fernando Rubio, announced today during the plenary session of the island’s institution that 70 more cameras will be placed throughout the island’s road network.

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17 cameras with license plate readers and sound meters in the Serra

The Consell de Mallorca plans to increase the intelligent transport systems (ITS) used to measure the occupation of the roads. The Councilor of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures, Fernando Rubio, explained during today’s plenary session that 70 cameras will be installed throughout Mallorca, 17 of them on the Serra de Tramuntana roads, which will incorporate license plate readers and sound meters. Rubio pointed out that the information collected by the system will be provided to the competent traffic authorities, in this case, the DGT, to improve control and safety for users.

These cameras can view and record images, count vehicles and measure their speed. They can also differentiate between heavy vehicles, light vehicles, bicycles and motorcycles. It is planned to extend the contracts so that additional elements can be installed, such as cameras that can read license plates or sound level meters that measure the decibels of vehicle passage.


Fernando Rubio explained “We met with those affected by the MA-10 in the Serra de Tramuntana, and we listened to the neighbors and their problems. What is needed is a coordinated action among all the administrations, since the Consell de Mallorca does not have the power to impose penalties, the DGT does. We are working within our competence framework to find solutions to the problem and one measure is to make available to the administrations the information provided by our systems. This way, action can be taken against drivers’ uncivil behavior”.

These last improvements have been offered to the DGT to make use of them, although they could also be very useful for other agencies such as 112 or Emergencies, as long as the regulations of the Data Protection Act are taken into account. These actions were raised at the technical meeting held on November 6, 2023, at the Government Delegation to analyze the problems of the MA-10.