The budget of all the ministries will increase in 2024, with a total increase of 346.3 million euros, 31.6 % more

Nov 12, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The counsellor of Economy, Finance and Innovation, Antoni Costa, has presented the new autonomic accounts in the Parliament, where the processing will now begin.

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The budget of all the ministries will increase in 2024

The biggest increases are in Education and Universities (94.4 million more) and in Enterprise, Employment and Energy (65.9 million more).

The approval of the General Budget Bill of the Balearic Islands, which this Friday the Vice President of the Government and Minister of Economy, Finance and Innovation, Antoni Costa, has delivered to the President of the Parliament, Gabriel Le Senne, to start the corresponding parliamentary processing, will entail an increase in budget for all the ministries of the organization chart of the Government. In total, the increase will be 346.3 million euros (+31.6%) compared to 2023, which will reach 3,342.3 million euros.

Among the most significant increases in the budget of the ministries are the following: Education and Universities, with a budget of 1. 353.8 million euros, 94.4 million more than in 2023 (+7.5 %); Enterprise, Employment and Energy, with 205 million and an increase of 65.9 million (+47.3 %); Tourism, Culture and Sports, with 221.4 million and an increase of 57 million (+34.7 %); the Sea and Water Cycle, with 204.8 million and an increase of 31.7 million (+18.3 %), and the Presidency and Public Administrations, with 144.6 million and an increase of 25.8 million (+21.7 %).

In another order are the autonomous organizations, where the budget increases of the IB-Dona stand out, with 7.8 million total (+2.9 % compared to 2023); the Institut d’Estadística de las Illes Balears, with 3.5 million budget (+3 %), and the Institut Balear de Seguretat i Salut Laboral (IBASSAL), with 5 million and an increase of 2.4 %.

On the other hand, in the case of autonomous organizations with their own budget, the IB-Salut will see its budget increase by 107.3 million, 4.9 % more, up to 2,298.3 million. In addition, the Agència Tributària de las Illes Balears will reach 18.3 million, 3.1 million more than in 2023 (+20.1%).

Instrumental public sector

Among the public business entities, the one with the largest budget will be the Agència d’Estratègia Turística de las Illes Balears (Tourism Strategy Agency of the Balearic Islands). Specifically, it will manage 167.5 million euros, 8.3% more than in 2023. Next is Serveis Ferroviaris de Mallorca, which maintains the budget (146.9 million) with a slight decrease of 0.1%. Likewise, among the entities that increase the budget, the most are the Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics (+64.9 %, reaching 9.4 million) and the Institut Balear de l’Energia (36.1 million total and 38.2 % more). In the case of the Ens Públic de Radiotelevisió de les Illes Balears (IB3), it will increase from 38.1 to 41.1 million (+7.8 %). All the public business entities will have a budget of 902.5 million Euros.

As for the foundations, the one that will manage the largest budget will be the Fundació d’Atención y Support a la Dependència, with 46.0 million euros, 16.4% more than in 2023. Also noteworthy is the case of the Fundació per a l’Esport Balear, with an increase of 11.3% to 12.8 million, and the Fundació Institut d’Investigació Sanitària de les Illes Balears, with an increase of 6.2% and a budget of 10.1 million euros. In total, the foundations will manage 128.8 million.

And lastly, in the consortiums (114.6 million total), the Consorci de Transports de Mallorca stands out, which will have a budget of 75.6 million, representing an increase of 17.9% compared to 2023.