The XXVI Fira de s’Oliva de Caimari, warms up engines, this weekend, November 11 and 12

Nov 12, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Caimari is celebrating this weekend’s numerous activities, with the olive as the protagonist, which will culminate on November 18 and 19 with its XXVI Fira de s’Oliva.

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Thus, activities have been held the weekend before the XXVI Fira de s’Oliva, which corresponds to November 11 and 12, 2023.

On Saturday, November 11, we were delighted with a meal of Fideus de carboner, in the Plaza Mayor, followed by an exhibition of horses accompanied by the Municipal Band of Selva.

It has also been highlighted the participation of the Batucada Gorimba and DJ Antoine. All this with the great participation of the Quintos de Caimari 2005.

Highlighted has been the participation of more than 300 attendees at the meal of Fideus de carboner. Thus, the mayor of Caimari Mari Tome and the mayor of Selva Joan Rotger, have highlighted the great participation of the residents of Caimari. The 13 boys who this year turn 18 years and who were born in 2005, Quintada 2005, have been involved in this demonstration by moving the tradition to modernity and that places Caimari as one of the great promoters of the value of olive groves, internationally.

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This Sunday, November 12, prior to the XXVI Fira de s’Oliva, we will enjoy an Epic-Trail organized by the Club de Montaña los Carboneros de Caimari, at 9:00 am.
We will continue Sunday morning at 10:00 am, with board games organized by the Quintos 2005. Among the games we will have: Parcheesi, chess, dominoes and cards.

We can also participate in a painting contest for children, whose theme focuses on the olive trees, we emphasize that the three winners will appear in the program of the Fira de s’Oliva de Caimari 2024 in its XXVII edition.
Tapas and vermouth, at 12:30h, in the square of Caimari will accompany these last hours of the morning and prepare us for an afternoon that will feature a late afternoon at 15:30h in which we will enjoy the performances of Calameikers and a local DJ.

XXVI Fira de s’Oliva of Caimari

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The program of the XXVI Fira de s’Oliva de Caimari to be held on 18 and 19 November, is available on the social networks of the Ajuntament de Selva and in this link.