The Consell de Mallorca celebrates the Diada de Baile en Linea de gente mayor with the participation of 1,500 people

Nov 13, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

After lunch, all the attendees enjoyed an exhibition of the line-dancing world champion Unai Pino.

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Diada de Baile en Linea de gente mayor

The Consell de Mallorca has organized, for the first time, a Line Dancing Day for senior citizens. 1,500 people who participate in this activity in their respective associations of senior citizens from all over Mallorca have gathered at the Illes Balears Velodrome to enjoy this activity.

The day began with an exhibition class by the different line dancing instructors. The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, remarked that “from the first minute we have been with the associations and federations of elderly people, to know first hand their needs, preferences and priorities. And what they are very clear is that they want to live actively. Precisely, this day of line dancing was a request from all of them. A day, that with this reception, we will repeat, and that aims to practice physical exercise and group work in a playful way”.

After lunch, all attendees were able to enjoy an exhibition of the world champion line dancing Unai Pino. The Councilor of the Presidency of the Consell de Mallorca, Antoni Fuster, wanted to thank and value the work carried out by the Insular Directorate of Sociocultural Promotion in these months. “We are very happy for the great participation in this first day of line dancing. We are working in this line with different activities to cover this demand of the elderly people of our island for active policies that adapt to their preferences. The elderly is one of our priorities” concluded Fuster.