The training of staff assessing people with disabilities begins

Nov 13, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

/ The training, which is carried out under the agreement with IB-SALUT, will reduce waiting times for users.

/ Overtime is already being applied, one of the measures of the ‘Plan de choque’ of the Conselleria de Familias y Asuntos Sociales to reduce waiting lists.

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Training of staff

Next week will begin the training of staff of the Health Service (IB-SALUT), the first step to joining the team of assessors of the Assessment and Guidance Service for Dependency and Disability (SVODD). With these incorporations, it is expected to reduce the waiting lists for the assessment of users with disabilities, which currently stands at 14,679 people.

So far this year, 9,648 applications for disability assessment have been registered in all the islands (7,861 in Mallorca, 803 in Menorca, 920 in Eivissa and 64 in Formentera) and 3,612 assessments have been completed (3,059 in Mallorca, 236 in Menorca, 313 in Eivissa and 4 in Formentera).

By months, there was an increase in the number of valuations until April (in which 1,065 were carried out) and from then on there was a decrease that has begun to be corrected, so that in October, pending final data, there were 540.

Faced with this delicate situation that conditions the quality of life of people with disabilities and that of their families and caregivers, the Councilor for Families and Social Affairs, Catalina Cirer, announced in Parliament the implementation of a shock plan to stabilize the delay in 2024.

In this sense, one of the measures of the ‘Shock Plan’ of the General Directorate of Care for Dependency is already being applied, such as the realization of overtime of the assessment staff. This measure is being carried out while waiting for two complete teams to be hired, each consisting of a health worker, a psychologist and a social worker.