The Assembly of sport and Physical Activity of the Balearic Islands approves the 12 nominations for the Premis Esports IB 2023

Nov 14, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Prohens has pledged to work on a project of tax deductions for sports practice

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12 nominations for the Premis Esports IB 2023

The Plenary of the Assembly of Sport and Physical Activity of the Balearic Islands (ABE) has approved Monday the nominations for the Premis Esports IB 2023, which will be awarded on December 18 at the Gala del Deporte de las Islas Baleares (Sports Gala of the Balearic Islands).

The event was attended by the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sports and president of the Assembly, Jaume Bauzà, and the general director of Sports and vice president of the Assembly, Joan Antoni Ramonell, as well as other representatives of the island councils and members of the Board of Directors of the Assembly.

The president of the Government, Marga Prohens was present at the opening of the event and said a few words at the beginning of the Assembly meeting, where she stressed that “if in the Balearic Islands we have so many sportsmen and sportswomen per square meter, I am sure it is because their clubs, sports federations and organizations are exceptional. Prohens has also pledged to work on a project of tax deductions for sports practice: “Sport cannot be a luxury option, we must protect the accessibility of sport can be available to all families,” he concluded. It is the first time that a president of the government attends a plenary session of the Assembly.

Consensus proposal

The ABE has delegated to a working committee the proposal of candidates for the Esports IB Awards. Thus, as stated by the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sports, Jaume Bauzà, “the proposal has been developed with the participation of the entire sports fabric of the Balearic Islands, including federations, administrations of the four islands and other bodies with the aim of presenting to this assembly the best possible proposal”.

The Assembly of Sport and Physical Activity has approved the nominations for the 12 categories of distinctions of the Premis Esports IB, which has raised the Board of Directors of the ABE. Following the agenda, three sports federations have exposed and presented a series of proposals for improvement. Specifically, the Volleyball Federation has exposed the need to expand the number of teams in the school volleyball finals. For its part, the Sailing Federation has requested legal and labor advice for the federations.

Finally, the Athletics Federation of the Balearic Islands has proposed changes in the Law of Sport and Physical Activity in relation to the federations, demanding compliance with the aspects relating to the participation of the federations in the technification programs and the need to establish a strategic plan of Olympic cycles for these programs.

In this sense, the general director of Sports, Joan Antoni Ramonell has set out the guidelines that will mark the work of the next four years, which is to “involve the entire sports network, with dialogue, prudence and courage”. In turn, coordination with other administrations will be essential to simplify the bureaucratic burden faced by entities and citizens.

The reformulation of the Sports Technification Center of the Balearic Islands (CTEIB) and the improvement of its infrastructures have also been raised, confirming the need to improve the current law. To this end, a period will be opened in which all stakeholders can discuss and expose what are the appropriate improvements: “The priority is the athletes, and we should not forget the origin of our raison d’être,” said Ramonell.

IB Sports Awards Nominations

As for the nominations for the Premis Esports IB, the following have been approved, in the 12 categories of which they consist:

“Posam valors a l’esport”.

Bernat Xamena (sportsman)

Tòfol Castanyer (Athletics)

Shella Badaseraye (Weightlifting)

Daniel Arrom (Triathlon)

Men’s Promise

Álex Graneri (Canoeing)

Nacho Baltasar (Sailing)

Baba Miller (Basketball)

Alejandro Prats (Motorboating)

Female Promise

Lucía Corrales (Soccer)

María de los Ángeles Moreno (Canoeing)

Nieves Ballester (Sailing)

Daniela García (Athletics)

Best female athlete

Cata Coll/Mariona Caldentey (Football)

Maia Llacer (Artistic Gymnastics)

Alba Torrens (Basketball)

Gemma Triay (Padel)

Best male athlete

Daniel Quesada (Taekwondo)

Nicolau Mir (Artistic Gymnastics)

Diego Poncelet (Skateboarding)

Joan Toni Moreno (Canoeing)

Best male adapted sport athlete

Joan Munar (Athletics)

Joan Reinoso (Cycling)

Nilo Riudavets (Triathlon)

Adrián Castaño (Canoeing)

Best Female Adapted Sport Athlete

Isabel Shihuaying de la Cruz (Swimming)

Best women’s team

Garden Hoteles Mallorca Volley (Volleyball)

Wehostel Voley Ciudad CIDE Juvenil (Volleyball)

Balearia Team RCNP (Sailing)

Chelska Illes Balears Women (Artistic Gymnastics)

Best female athlete

Cata Coll / Mariona Caldentey (Football)

Maia Llacer (Artistic Gymnastics)

Alba Torrens (Basketball)

Gemma Triay (Padel)

Best male athlete

Daniel Quesada (Taekwondo)

Nicolau Mir (Artistic Gymnastics)

Diego Poncelet (Skateboarding)

Best coach

Carlos Vicens (Soccer)

Antonio Diego Anglada (Canoeing)

Fernando González (Handball)

Pedro Mir (Artistic Gymnastics)

Best technique

Yolanda Llompart (Artistic Gymnastics)

Irene Colomar (Karate)

Elina Rastamo (Skating)

Beatriz Menéndez (Canoeing)

Honorary Award

CD Manacor / SD Portmany (Football)

Guillermo Timoner posthumously (Cycling)

Àngel Gràcia (Canoeing)

Cintia Rodríguez (Artistic Gymnastics)