The Consell de Mallorca created the Consell Asesor Municipal en materia TIC to promote the technological improvement of city councils

Nov 14, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The new collegiate body aims to increase the efficiency in the use of resources and improve the IT services provided by the local administrations to citizens

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Consell Asesor Municipal en materia TIC

The Consell de Mallorca has launched the Consell Asesor Municipal en materia TIC (Information and Communication Technologies), a collegiate advisory body to promote the collaboration and participation of local councils in the field with the aim of increasing efficiency and improving the provision of services to citizens.

The president of the Consell, Llorenç Galmés, has signed the decree creating the Municipal Advisory Council on ICT matters, which will promote the participation of municipal entities in the development of activities of common interest related to technology, information and communication in the field of public administration.

The Department of Economic Promotion and Local Development, directed by Pilar Amate, under the Insular Direction of Municipal Support and Coordination, will be in charge of implementing the ICT Advisory Council, which will meet every six months, although it is open to extraordinary meetings if requested for any reason of special interest.
The details of the content of this proposal will be explained in the Assembly of Mayors of Mallorca that will take place this Monday in the Auditorium of Alcudia, as it is one of the items on the agenda included in the call.

Functions of the new municipal advisory body

The Municipal Advisory Council on ICT will have the functions, among others, to set the strategic lines and declare projects of priority interest, promote collaboration and cooperation with local entities to implement integrated inter-administrative services and common services that will allow the rationalization of ICT resources and the creation of specific working groups for ICT projects.

In addition, the new body will study, report and propose any measures, programs or plans that have an impact on ICT matters and will provide for the exchange of knowledge, criteria for action and solutions related to the technological development of city councils. It will also participate in decision-making on the development and implementation of ICT for global agreements, thus reducing expenditure.

The Councilor for Economic Promotion and Local Development, Pilar Amate, said that the new Advisory Council “will propose meetings on technological matters to promote the sharing of ideas and proposals of all those responsible for managing the computer management of the municipalities and to reach more efficient solutions”, while stating that “it is especially focused on the smaller municipalities, those with less than 20,000 inhabitants, which, we are convinced, will be very useful”.

The insular director of Municipal Support and Coordination, Beatriz Camiña, stressed that “the cost of the creation of this new collegiate body is zero euros” and explained that “from the first moment we wanted to recover the important role of coordination that the previous ICT Consortium of Mallorca had, which was created in 1992, whose functions we found were practically diluted”.

Composition of the Advisory Council

The Advisory Council will be integrated by a Presidency that will be the titular person of the Department of Economic Promotion and Local Development; a Secretary of the Council that will be the person assigned to the Service of Municipal Informatics, within the Insular Direction of Municipal Support and Coordination and a member in representation of each one of the municipalities of Mallorca, that they themselves will designate, among responsible or expert people in the matter of the ICT.

A representative of the IT departments of the Consell de Mallorca, of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands or of the General Administration of the State may be invited to collaborate in the meetings, when deemed convenient.