Laura Mart wins the XIV Contest of Plastic Arts organized by the City Council of Inca

Nov 16, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Art Center Sa Quarter has been the scene where it has unveiled, once again, the winning work of the Contest of Plastic Arts Thursday Bo – La Constancia Centro Instructivo, which celebrates its fourteenth edition. Thus, the Mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno, accompanied by the Councillor for Culture, Alice Weber, the councillor of Thursday Bo, Maria José Fernández, and other members of the consistory have delivered the guard to Laura Marte for her proposal entitled Petit point à rebours.

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XIV Contest of Plastic Arts organized by the City Council of Inca

“This year we have as a winner an artist who reminds us that art is a reflection but also of action. A tireless feminist, Laura Marte speaks clearly about the figure of the woman and her reverse side,” says the Councillor for Culture, Alice Weber.

Petit point à rebours is a set of two works made with a page with the typical templates of homemade tapestry (petit point) with the images Le Chiffre d’amour by J.H. Fragonard and Femme en la Fenetre by F. Vermeer, which have been turned upside down. By showing the reverse of the image we see the mistakes, the loose threads, the kicks and most importantly, the figuration is lost to enter into an abstract representation, where texture and colours predominate over figuration.

The conceptual part of the work focuses on the deconstruction of two highly represented images influential in our imaginary, where women are always in a static and passive position. By turning them upside down (à rebours), volume and movement, chaos and disfigurement emerge in the representation of the female subject.

Laura Marte has a long artistic career. Her work is made up of projects, not simple works, with an attentive, sharp, vibrant look, analyzing the relationship between the subject and the environment, with special attention to public space. The gender perspective is always present in her work, as well as in participatory processes.

As an artist, she questions the ways in which visual images are part of culture, directly and indirectly, and why. Her projects are articulated through collaborative practices, in multiple formats, and are feminist cries for equality and social justice. The winning piece of the XIV Certamen de Artes Plásticas Jueves Bono – La Constancia Centro Instructivo is part of this same line of view from and about women and their role in society.

A total of 65 artists have participated in this edition of the contest, consolidating the high participation obtained in recent years from both local and peninsular artists. In fact, 19 more proposals have been received than in the previous year. Many proposals have come from the island of Mallorca, but also from other parts of Spain such as Alicante, Barcelona, Bilbao, Cáceres, Jerez, Teruel, Valencia, or even from other countries such as Italy, France, Portugal or Chile.

Apart from the winning work, which receives a prize of 4,200 euros, the exhibition shows the artistic pieces of a total of 15 finalists. Among the participants are from young authors, such as Marta Crespí, to figures with a long career, such as Fabian Schalekamp or Xim Llompart.

The exhibition can be visited at the Sa Quartera Art Center until January 5, Thursdays and Fridays from 4 to 8 pm and early Saturdays from 10 am to 1 pm.