PortsIB removes the sunken boat in the bay of Pollença

Nov 16, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The coordinated operation for the extraction of the 16-meter-long boat that was submerged on June 18 ended successfully.


PortsIB, under the direction of the Conselleria del Mar y del Ciclo del Agua, has removed the 16-meter long boat that sank last June 18 in the bay of Pollença. The extraction work has been carried out thanks to a coordinated operation, with the participation of Maritime Rescue, Capitanía Marítima, the Ajuntament de Pollença and the Real Club Náutico of the Mallorcan municipality.

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During the extraction of the wooden sailboat, Jaume Carbonell, manager of PortsIB, valued the efficient collaboration of the team and the importance of this operation to ensure navigation and protect the natural environment of the area: “The manoeuvre started with the work of Salvamento Maritimo, who have been responsible for carrying out all the refloating of the boat based on balloons and compressed air. Later they towed the sailboat to an area of the dock and with a crane of great tonnage was taken out to earth. Now it will be the moment, to begin with the scrapping of the boat, to later take it to the landfill”.

Work began last Monday with a thorough inspection of the hull. At the same time, a specialized team began placing slings on various parts of the vessel, a key step for its refloating.

On Tuesday the process continued with the installation of balloons on the port side slings and maneuvers to right the ship. Dredging was also carried out around the keel and slings were passed under the keel, stabilizing the vessel with the enabling balloons and carrying out a refloating test.

The decisive phase of the operation took place this Wednesday when a crane managed to extract the vessel from the sea at around 4 p.m., after two unsuccessful attempts in the morning, thus concluding a process to ensure the safety and protection of the marine environment in the area. The successful removal of this vessel has eliminated a potential risk to both navigation and the environment.