The Consell de Mallorca announces that the maximum speed of the Cintura road goes to 100 kilometres per hour with the support of the whole sector.

Nov 17, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Department of Territory, Mobility and Infrastructures has informed the DGT that the new measure will come into force on December 18, supported by environmental, layout and accident rate technical reports.

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The maximum speed of the Cintura road goes to 100 kilometres per hour

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, announced today that the maximum speed of the Cintura road will go to 100 kilometres per hour from December 18. Galmés, who was accompanied by the councillor of Territori Mobilitat i Infrastructures Fernando Rubio, explained that today has been communicated to the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) the measure supported by environmental technical reports, layout and accident rate.

A decision that has the support of the entire transport sector during a meeting held by President Galmés and Councilor Rubio with the highest representatives of the professional sector, led by the Balearic Transport Business Federation (FEBT) and its president, Rafel Roig. Representatives of cab drivers, vehicles for hire, goods transport and discretionary transport have also participated.

“Today we have informed the Directorate General of Traffic that the speed on the Cintura road will go to 100 kilometres per hour from December 18. It is a measure expected by many Mallorcans, which has the support of the professional transport sector and is supported by technical reports that indicate that it is entirely feasible. We committed ourselves in the election campaign that before the end of the year this change of speed would be carried out, as one of the main measures to disburse Mallorca, and we kept our word”, said the president of the Consell de Mallorca.

Llorenç Galmés added that “the technical reports that support the measure point out that at 100 kilometres per hour, there is a saving in fuel and CO2 emissions, they point out that the Cintura road, both at 120 and 80, is the highway with the lowest accident rate of all those in Mallorca and that a speed of 100 km/h complies with all safety standards”.

For his part, Councilor Fernando Rubio detailed the three reports, from in-house technicians and external specialized companies, which support the speed change. The councillor explained that the environmental impact report points out in its main conclusion: “The analysis carried out indicates that a maximum speed of 100 km/h is much more efficient in terms of fuel consumption, especially in heavy vehicles. It has been estimated a saving with the speed increase of 20,078 litres per year of gasoline and 397,755 litres of diesel per year”. The technical report goes on to point out that “the reduction in fuel consumption is associated with a reduction in harmful emissions: the most significant are 11,214 kg/year of NOx (nitrogen oxide), 780 kg/year of MMVOC (volatile methane compounds), 385 tons/year of CO2 and 320 kg/year of PM10 (suspended particulate matter)”.

As for noise, he points out that with the renewal of the asphalt layer in some sections with a higher quality one, it will reduce between two and three decibels. It is also planned to install acoustic screens.

Regarding the accident rate, the report reveals that the Cintura road is the highway of Mallorca with the lowest danger index (PI) of the last 10 years. The technicians point out that “since 2016 there has been a downward trend, both of the PI and the total number of accidents, and all values are always below 30, the limit below which is considered a very low PI”. As for fatalities, the report reveals that an increase is observed since 2021, given that until then there had only been 3 fatal accidents in 11 years, going on to have 5 fatal accidents in 3 years.

In addition, the report on the layout indicates that the speed at 100 km/hour complies with safety standards 3.1 IC of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, and advises, in two sections, to carry out a pavement improvement, since it is much more advisable to maintain the same speed along the entire road.