The government agrees with AENA that in the high season of 2024, the new parking tariffs will not be applied to the discretional transport in the airports.

Nov 17, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

/Councilor Vidal explains the need to take into account the insularity of the island in view of the increase in airport tariffs as of next March.

/ The Govern and AENA meet in Madrid in a first contact to strengthen collaboration and review the investment projects to improve the airports of the islands.

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Parking tariffs

The Minister of Mobility, Territory and Housing of the Govern, Marta Vidal, has confirmed with the president of AENA, Maurici Lucena, during a meeting with other executives of the company in Madrid, that the airport manager will not apply in the high season of 2024 the new rates for discretionary transport for parking at the airports of the islands, whose implementation was initially planned from next summer.

This meeting between the Govern and AENA, yesterday Thursday, was the first contact between Councillor Marta Vidal, accompanied by the Director General of Mobility, Lorena del Valle, with the management team of AENA headed by its president, to strengthen collaboration and address various issues of interest and measures whose implementation is planned for next year, such as airport and non-airport fares.

Regarding non-airport fares, the Govern has confirmed with AENA that for the high season of 2024, the company will not apply the implementation of fees for parking in the waiting areas at airports to discretionary transport companies, thus meeting the claim of the companies of the sector in the islands and as defended by the Govern, which has asked to take into account the singularity of this transport service in the islands. AENA plans to delay until 2025 the charge for the use of these parking lots at the airports.

On the other hand, the 4.09% increase in airport tariffs approved by AENA for next year, as of March 1st, has also been discussed, and the Govern has reiterated that insularity must be taken into account, given the dependence on air transport in an island territory, due to its repercussion in an added increase in the price of airline tickets. Therefore, it will transfer its claim to the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda in order to be able to establish specific measures to alleviate the effects of this measure on the residents of the islands.

The government has expressed its concern that any modification of the airport tariffs does not take into account the insularity. AENA has underlined that this tariff revision means an increase of 0.40 euros per passenger with respect to the tariffs of 2023, and has guaranteed that the bonuses applicable to the insular tariffs will be maintained and that they will ensure the competitiveness of the Balearic airports.

The meeting has also served to review the state of AENA’s investments in the airports of the islands and the planning of new actions, focused on the modernization and improvement of the quality and comfort of its facilities and services to the users, as the company has informed.

At the meeting, on behalf of the Government, Councillor Marta Vidal and the Director General of Mobility, Lorena del Valle, participated, and on behalf of AENA, together with the President of the company, Maurici Lucena, the Vice President, Javier Marín; the Director General of Airports, Elena Mayoral; and the Director General of Commercial and Real Estate, María José Cuenda.