Tourism will invest 34.5 M€ in transformative actions in the tourism sector destined for projects of local entities

Nov 17, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The amount will go to 10 projects of local entities, such as town halls and councils.
\ In the fields of green transition, green and energy efficiency, digital transition and improvement of competitiveness.

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Tourism will invest 34.5 M€

The Consell de Govern has authorized the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sports, Jaume Bauzà, to grant subsidies to the town councils of Felanitx, Santa Eulàlia des Riu, Calvià, Inca, Muro and Santanyí, to the island councils of Mallorca and Menorca and to the Mancomunidad desde Raiguer for the execution of the actions included in the Plan de Sostenibilidad Turística en Destinos 2023, within the framework of the Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, financed by the European Union Next Generation UE, for an amount of 34.5 million euros.

The aim is for transformative actions to be undertaken in the tourism sector in the areas of green transition, energy efficiency, digital transition and improving tourism competitiveness.

A total of 14 applications have been submitted, which have been analyzed and assessed in accordance with the provisions of the bases established by the document of the Tourism Sustainability Strategy in Destinations.

The amount will be distributed as follows according to the projects presented:

Felanitx Town Hall
Felanitx is culture and nature. Towards an intelligent and sustainable destination
2.5 million

Santa Eulalia del Río Town Council
Plan to diversify the tourist offer and increase the competitiveness of the MICE sector – Parking of the II Phase of the Eivissa Congress Hall
6.5 million

Calvià Town Hall
Improvement and beautification of the Peguera Boulevard
2 million

Inca City Council
Inca: Tourism, sports and sustainability
1.3 million

Muro City Council
Playa de Muro: Accessible, intelligent and sustainable destination
3.5 million

Santanyí City Council
Sustainable urban improvement plan for the tourist centre of Cala d’Or
2 million

Consell de Mallorca
Mallorca Living Sustainable Hub III
8.5 million

Consell de Menorca
PSTD 2023 of the island of Menorca. Transformation towards a socio-environmental, inclusive, connected and resilient model.
4.2 million

Mancomunidad del Raiguer
Creation of cycling routes “Cycling Raiguer, tourism and sustainable mobility”.
2 million

Consell de Formentera and Ports IB
ACD Circularity as an axis of sustainable competitiveness of the Balearic Islands. Phase II.
2 million