17 persons and entities receive the Awards, Honors and Distinctions 2023 of the Consell de Mallorca

Nov 18, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

President Llorenç Galmés has awarded the distinction of Favorite Son to Guillem Timoner and that of Adopted Son to Ian Adamson. The Jaime II awards went to Janka Jurkiewicz and to the entity Las Ovejas de Mica. Thirteen medals of Honor and Gratitude of the Island of Mallorca have been awarded.

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The Awards, Honors and Distinctions 2023 of the Consell de Mallorca

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, has delivered the Awards, Honors and Distinctions 2023 to seventeen people and entities that “are a reference both for their career and for the service they have provided to the society of the island”. The awards gala was held in the Auditorium of Alcúdia and featured musical performances by Tomeu Penya, Júlia Colom and the Youth Choir of the Teatro Principal de Palma.

The island institution has awarded the Medals of Honor and Gratitude of the Island of Mallorca to the sportswomen Catalina Thomàs Coll and Maria Francesca Caldentey; to the family business Begudes Puig; to the teacher Manuela Alcover Lladó; to the pharmacist, novelist, historian and poet Bernat Vidal Tomàs; the former president of the Sampol Group, Gabriel Sampol; the gallery owner Juan Antonio Horrach; the tenor Pedro Fuentes; Ses Madones de sa Llata; the Federation of Child and Adolescent Care Entities of the Balearic Islands (FEIAB); the painter Gaspar Riera; the National University of Distance Education (UNED) and the Can Det de Sóller tafona. On the other hand, in this edition, Guillem Timoner has been named Favorite Son of Mallorca and Ian Adamson as Adopted Son of the Island of Mallorca.

As for the Jaime II awards -which are given to individuals and legal entities that have excelled during the previous calendar year in merits consisting in the promotion of the symbols, historical references or the name of Mallorca-, they have been received by Janka Jurkiewicz, the first woman who became chief inspector of the CNP in the Balearic Islands, and the non-profit organization Las Ovejas de Mica, for the treatment of alcoholism.

During the awards ceremony, the president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, said that the winners are “people and entities that have excelled in their fields, who have crossed borders and have carried the name of this wonderful island around the world. Their legacy is eternal. Not only for the successes achieved, but also for the values that inspire us and make us trust in a hopeful future for Mallorca”.