The tourism budget in the Consell increased 22% to 16.6 million with the priority on fighting illegal supply

Nov 18, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The budget for management increases to 5.79 million euros to intensify and lead to the persecution of this activity.

The Department of Tourism of the Consell de Mallorca will manage in 2024 a budget of 16.6 million euros, which represents an increase of 22% over this year’s accounts, which will serve to promote the new tourism management implemented by the new management team. In this way, it will go in 2024 from the almost 14 million it had in 2023 to the 16.6 million that the department headed by José Marcial Rodríguez Díaz will manage next year.

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The tourism budget in the Consell increased 22%

The objective pursued by the department with this budget increase is to intensify the fight against illegal supply and to achieve it, the insular Directorate of Supply and Quality, directed by Clara del Moral, will have 5.79 million euros, almost 750,000 euros more than this year.
Thanks to this effort, these additional funds will serve to alleviate the lack of personnel derived from the transfer of competencies and will be used to provide the inspection and sanctioning service with more staff, both in the technical and legal fields, in order to be more efficient.

Specifically, 15 new staff will be incorporated to optimize the information coming from the inspections, which will involve an investment of 700,000 euros in 2024 and will serve to further boost the prosecution of this illegal activity, while continuing to implement the plan presented weeks ago to combat illegal supply.
The Fundació Mallorca Turisme (FMT) will have about 7.1 million euros, an amount significantly higher (excluding carryovers) than this year (6.77 million vs. 7.11 million), although it could eventually have more funds if the expected carryovers arrive.
Thanks to these funds, the FMT will continue working to achieve responsible tourism that will allow Mallorca to continue to be positioned as a safe and quality destination.
To achieve this, the work started weeks ago in London, where Consell presented the “Commitment to Responsible Tourism in Mallorca”, a manifesto that is the starting point of a much broader objective and that will imply a whole change in the model of promotion and positioning of Mallorca abroad that will be implemented during this legislature.

The objective, as stressed by the conseller Rodriguez Diaz, “is to promote the preservation and protection of our territory, in line with our new strategy and philosophy, born with the presentation of the ‘pledge’ in the last WTM”. “It is a realistic budget, which will allow us to address all the challenges we have set for this legislature,” he added Rodriguez.
Finally, the Consortium of Tourist Accommodation Exchange (CBAT) will have 1.55 million, there will be another 1.5 million for Tourist Information Services and also an investment in digitization and software worth 500,000 euros.