You have the best date of the weekend in Caimari, this 18 and 19 November, with the XXVI Fira de s’Oliva

Nov 18, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Caimari, is of celebration. This weekend 18 and 19 November, the Olive and Caimari, will be the centre of Mallorca.

On Saturday, November 18 we can enjoy the Fair that has best adapted the tradition to modernity, with one of the most popular and beloved products of the Mediterranean, the olive.

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Caimari. XXVI Fira de s’Oliva

So Saturday morning will be spent with the opening of the Fair at 10.00 am. In it, we will appreciate different exhibitions that will occupy the streets of Caimari.

The little ones will surely enjoy at 11.00h of a pony ride also taking place at 11.00h one of the most significant events of this XXVI Fira de s’Oliva during the presentation of L’Academia de l’Olivera.

Joan Rotger, mayor of Selva has emphasized “the great work carried out by l’Academia de l’Olivera, whose purpose is to promote the study and cultivation of olive trees, concentrating national and international experts”. In the same way, it has added that Caimari with this Academy of l’Olivera, is placed in the international epicentre, emphasizing the values of this ancestral culture of the olive tree.
This presentation brings us closer to the photographer Oscar Pipkin and the history of the olive trees of the Mediterranean together with the texts of Antonio Ordinas.

Saturday afternoon at 16.00h will be the reception of the authorities. The Band of Selva at 19h and the Agrupació Aires de Muntanya at 20h will be in charge of livening up the rest of the day. At 20.00h there will be a tasting of sobrasada with honey, leaving a great taste for the day on Sunday 19 November.

Sunday, November 19, 2023, will be a special day remembered by the inhabitants of Mallorca with the opening of the Fair at 10.00 am. This Sunday morning children will participate in a very prominent way with children’s games organized by the Quintos 05 of Caimari. Also at 10.00h and organized by the farmers of the municipality of Selva we are delighted with a contest of herding dogs.

The old motorcycles, the crafts, and the dances of the Caparrots Carboners, will be other activities that will take us to the values of this more traditional Mallorca.

At 1 p.m. on Sunday, November 19, we will know the award for the best stand of the Fair. Sunday afternoon will feature a popular dance enlivened by the music group Ballugall. It will be followed at 19:00h by the Xeremiers de Caimari, being the closing of this XXVI Fira de S’Oliva at 20.00h, with hamburgers and music prepared by the Quintos 05.

The mayoress of Caimari, Mari Tome invites us to this great weekend, in which the olive moves from tradition to modernity, making Caimari its national and international reference. She has highlighted in the same way the great gastronomic offer of Caimari, which from its establishments dedicated to the restoration makes us enjoy more of this XXVI Fira de S’Oliva.

The program of the XXVI Fira de s’Oliva de Caimari to be held on 18 and 19 November, is available on the social networks of the of the Ajuntament de Selva and at this link.