Equality presents the campaign “Now Spain is different” on the occasion of the 25N, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Nov 19, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Ministry of Equality, through the Government Delegation against Gender Violence, presents the campaign “Now Spain is already another”, on the occasion of the 25N, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

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The campaign aims to show the change that Spanish society has undergone over the years in terms of impunity for acts of gender violence, breaking the silence and accompanying and giving reparation to women who have suffered it. A society that, despite everything, has evolved in the fight against male violence and is no longer willing to tolerate the lack of consent.

“Now Spain is different” focuses on showing how Spain has changed, pointing out and detecting acts of male violence, and providing a response as a society. In that sense, the campaign seeks to convey a clear message: our society has advanced, is feminist and does not tolerate any male violence.

Tribute to María Jiménez
The campaign, created by Ogilvy Madrid and which has counted on the participation of women survivors of the Anabella Foundation, which helps battered women, also pays tribute to the artist María Jiménez through her song “Se acabó” (It’s over).

A song with a feminist message and the fight against sexist violence, while full of hope when she sings “Now my world is different”. A world that does not remain silent and that works so that no woman is alone, breaking silences and barriers in those places where “it’s over” has not yet arrived.

The campaign will be presented on television, radio, press, outdoors and digital. In turn, it will be screened at the XX awards ceremony on the occasion of 25N, which recognizes people, projects and institutions that during 2023 have carried out different works and actions to raise awareness in the fight against gender violence.

XX awards ceremony on the occasion of the 25N
The awards ceremony on the occasion of 25N will take place this coming Tuesday, November 21 at 17.30 h, in an institutional event held in the Assembly Hall of the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, presented by the presenters of Deforme Semanal, Isa Calderón and Lucía Lijtmaer.