The Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse Treatment Unit (UTASI) has assisted 64 minors this year.

Nov 19, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

/ The “Atura’t” program has assisted this year 67 minors/young people with judicial measures who are involved in a case of sexual abuse or aggression.

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The Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse Treatment Unit (UTASI)

The Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse Treatment Unit (UTASI) has assisted 64 children this year. Of these, 15 are boys and 49 are girls. This resource of the General Directorate of Childhood, Youth, Families, Equality and Diversity provides specialized care in the treatment of sexual abuse to minors from 0 to 18 years old and their families, provided they are in a protective family environment. They are provided with a therapeutic space to explore the repercussions of sexual abuse and to confront the damaged aspects of the abusive experience in a psychotherapeutic and psychoeducational context.

The UTASI is accessed through the Unit for the Evaluation of Sexual Abuse on the Island (UVASI) or through the Institutes of Legal Medicine.


As for the “Atura’t” program, during the year 2023, it has attended 67 minors/youths of which 8 were under 14 years of age. Of these, 63 were male and 4 were female.

This program of the Directorate General for Children, Youth, Families, Equality and Diversity is aimed at minors/young people who are serving a judicial measure and who are involved in a case of abuse or sexual aggression. Its purpose is to reduce the risk of recidivism and therefore the number of potential victims. “Atura’t” performs an assessment of the risk of recidivism and the need for supervision of each case, and offers therapeutic treatment to the adolescent and support and guidance to his or her family.

The program is focused on the young person becoming aware of and taking responsibility for their actions, as well as providing them with personalized attention that allows them to work on their abusive behaviour.

With the aim of training professionals from different areas in basic training in the detection and reporting of cases of child abuse, 239 workshops were given during the 2022 and 2023 academic years, mainly aimed at students in the 2nd and 4th years of ESO. All of them focused on child sexual exploitation and affective and sexual education and aimed at children and adolescents, their mothers and fathers or persons exercising their guardianship or care.

In the case of adolescents, to their mothers and fathers or persons exercising their guardianship or care.

As regards basic training for professionals in the educational field in the detection and reporting of cases of child abuse and, specifically, child sexual abuse and child sexual exploitation, a total of 30 workshops have been carried out this year.

“The opportunity to initiate personal work with these minors, such as that offered by “Atura’t”, by specialized professionals”, said the general director of Childhood, Youth, Families, Equality and Diversity, Farners Saneiro, “provides society with an opportunity to prevent the possibility of recidivism in the future”. “Research,” said Saneiro, “shows that the majority of people serving prison sentences for sexual assault began in adolescence.”