The second payment of 10.6 million euros of extraordinary drought aid to livestock sectors begins

Nov 19, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has published a second list with 1,691 holders of livestock farms that will receive extraordinary aid to compensate for the situation due to the drought and the conditions derived from the war conflict in Ukraine, for an amount of 10,631,680 euros.

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Aid to livestock sectors begins

This new payment is in addition to the bulk made in October of 332.3 million euros. This brings the total amount paid for this extraordinary aid to 343 million euros, distributed among 71,958 farmers.

This aid was approved by the Government through Royal Decree-Law 4/2023, of May 11, adopting urgent measures in agricultural and water matters in response to the drought and the worsening of conditions in the primary sector as a result of the war in Ukraine and the weather conditions.

The list of the beneficiary farm owners, the number of heads of livestock counted and the amount of aid to be received is available at the electronic headquarters of the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund (FEGA).

The holders who are now granted the aid are those who could not be paid the aid by the resolution published last October 2 because they were not up to date with their tax and Social Security obligations, and who have remedied the situation within one month. The aid will be paid into the farmers’ bank accounts during the month of November.

The resolution also includes those holders who have been denied aid for not having fulfilled their tax and Social Security obligations within the period granted to correct the situation. The affected producers will be able to present, if they so consider, an appeal to the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food within one month from the day following the day of its publication.

The allegations presented by the holders of farms both in July to the provisional resolution, as well as those of October to the complementary resolution of holders communicated ex officio by the autonomous communities, on errors, omissions or other circumstances that require a detailed analysis of the same, have been sent to the autonomous communities for their analysis and are not the object of this resolution of concession that is published today. The holders whose allegations are favourably resolved will be able to receive the aid at a later date, once it has been verified that they meet all the required conditions, and in particular, that they are up to date with their tax and Social Security obligations.