Ecological Transition resolves the first call for 200 million to improve the efficiency of the urban water cycle

Nov 20, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) has published the final resolution of the first call of the PERTE for the digitalization of the water cycle, granting aid for a total amount of 200 million for the improvement of the digitalization of the urban water cycle.

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Ecological Transition

After the review of the allegations and reformulations carried out after the publication of the provisional resolution, the final list is presented today with a total of 30 projects with an aid ranging from 3.3 to 7.9 million per project and an average funding percentage of more than 64% of the budget, reaching values of up to 84%. The aid will cover the entire national territory, benefiting a total of 1,676 municipalities in 16 autonomous communities with a population of 14,742,016 inhabitants. In addition, the aid will benefit projects that address water management in both large cities and small rural municipalities.

The beneficiaries have been public administrations and operators in general of urban water supply, sanitation and treatment services of various types, such as local government entities, public and mixed companies and representatives of the private sector.

The projects -selected on a competitive basis, in accordance with the principles of Article 8.3 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, 2003, General Law on Subsidies- stand out for their high technical quality, the comprehensive treatment of the urban water cycle and the clear commitment to the digital transition and transparency, thus contributing to the achievement of the PERTE objectives of digitization of the water cycle.

The actions financed respond to cutting-edge and strategic initiatives that will improve efficiency in the use and management of water in Spain, such as real-time sensorization of catchments in the public water domain (DPH); control of consumption through the implementation of smart meters; the reduction of water losses; real-time control of wastewater treatment plants and discharges to the DPH; the creation of digital twins and mathematical modelling of hydraulic networks and systems; the implementation of platforms that integrate the entire water cycle and support sustainable management of water resources and transparency. It also includes action plans for drought and floods.

This final resolution puts an end to administrative proceedings. An appeal for reversal may be lodged against it, within one month, in accordance with the provisions of articles 123 and 124 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, 2015, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations or be challenged directly before the contentious-administrative order within two months.

In parallel, the second call for PERTE aids for the digitalization of the urban water cycle for an amount of 200 million is published. The aid will range from 500,000 euros to 10 million euros per project as a general rule, the amount varying according to the number of inhabitants of the municipalities in which the actions take place. The first PERTE call is also open for irrigation digitalization projects, which, with an initial investment of 100 million, will enable efficiency in the use of water, fertilizers and pesticides in the projects that are finally selected nationwide. The deadline for submitting applications in both cases is December 13, 2023.

Work is also being carried out on other PERTE lines of action. To date, more than 750 million have already been mobilized at different stages of processing, to which will be added the calls foreseen in the Addendum to the Transformation and Resilience Recovery Plan.