The general director of Administrative Simplification, Modernization and Digital Administration, Francisco Cánovas, explains in the XXXI AUTELSI Congress the Government’s commitment to digitization

Nov 20, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The general director of Administrative Simplification, Modernization and Digital Administration, Francisco Cánovas, has participated this weekend in the XXXI AUTELSI-XVIII espacioautelsi Congress, held in Valencia. The Spanish Association of Telecommunications and Information Society Users (AUTELSI) brings together every year the CIOs of the main Spanish companies, leaders of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector and various authorities of the autonomous governments.

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The general director of Administrative Simplification, Modernization and Digital Administration

Cánovas was one of the speakers at the round table of Autonomous Communities, which was held last Friday afternoon, which also included the general director of Innovation, Research and Digital Transformation of the Government of Asturias, Iván Aitor Lucas, and the general director of Telecommunications Infrastructure and Cybersecurity of the Junta de Castilla-La Mancha, María Dolores Higuera, and was moderated by the general director of Information and Communication Technologies of the Valencian Community, José Manuel García.

During his speech, he explained the legislative project that the Government of the Balearic Islands has in terms of telecommunications, digitization and cybersecurity. “Our commitment is clear and determined from the beginning, as evidenced by the creation of the Autonomous Secretariat, with the rank of Vice-Ministry, to give relevance to innovation and digitization policies within the structure of the Govern, and the development of the new Balearic Agency for Digitization, Cybersecurity and Telecommunications (ABADICTEC),” said Cánovas, who stressed the “simplification of the administration” as one of the key challenges of this legislature. “At the end of the legislature, we must have managed to make the relationship between citizens and the administration much simpler and more efficient,” he assured.