Galmés hangs a banner on the façade of the Consell de Mallorca on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Nov 21, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The building of the insular institution will display the banner throughout the week on the occasion of the 25N in order to raise awareness and promote equality

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Galmés hangs a banner on the façade of the Consell de Mallorca

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, together with the councillor of Presidency, Antoni Fuster, and the insular director of Families, Maria Garrido, has hung this Monday a banner on the facade of the Palau del Consell on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women to be celebrated on November 25. Thus, the building of the insular institution will display the banner throughout the week. In this sense, Galmés said that “this gesture contributes to raising awareness of this scourge that, unfortunately, we still suffer in Mallorca and throughout the country”.

Likewise, the president of the insular institution has stressed that “the commitment of this government team to the fight for equality and the elimination of violence against women is firm and unquestionable”. Llorenç Galmés pointed out that “this is evidenced by the increase in the budget allocated to families, equality and the fight against gender violence for next year”.

The president of the Consell de Mallorca has reiterated the “zero tolerance to gender violence” and pointed out that “it is essential to promote prevention policies, as well as support and care for victims”. She also recalled that “the minor children of women victims of gender violence are the forgotten ones and they also suffer the consequences”.

Increased budget for families, equality and the fight against gender violence

The Councilor for the Presidency, Antoni Fuster, explained that the budget of the Insular Directorate of Families for 2024, which includes policies for equality, diversity, conciliation and the fight against violence against women, has increased by 6.62% compared to this year. This is the first budget of this mandate.

Fuster has detailed that for next year this area will have 5,265,119.63 million euros, 327,116.45 euros more than in 2023. This amount will go to the programs of Families, Equality and Diversity, and the service of Attention to Violence. The Councilor of Presidency has also highlighted the increase of the items for seminars, conferences and training, which is 69,242.12 euros, which is 38% more than this year; and the cultural and family activities that go from 2,000 to 14,552.22 euros. The increase of these items provides for the organization of the first LGTBI congress and, especially, the organization of stays, family days and other activities aimed at families.

On the other hand, Antoni Fuster has advanced that the Consell de Mallorca will give a boost to prevention campaigns against sexist and sexual violence, especially with the program “No y punt!”. Fuster said, “We continue to expand the program, as we have already started to do in the four months we have been in charge of the Department”.
In addition, the councillor of the Presidency has detailed that two new items have been created. One of 6,000 euros to reward artistic and communicative strategies in the family environment in favour of equality, diversity and prevention of male violence. The other of 42,695.36 euros to promote projects of conciliation, awareness of equality and prevention of gender violence.

Cultural activities and workshops to promote equality

The insular director of Famílies, Maria Garrido, has announced the cultural activities and workshops the Consell de Mallorca organised on the occasion of 25N to raise awareness and promote equality from the youngest to the general public. Garrido explained that from this Monday until December there are exhibitions, plays and workshops in different towns of Mallorca.

All in all, Garrido has highlighted that next Friday will take place in Raixa the act in memory of the victims of male violence chaired by the president of the Consell de Mallorca. The names of the 39 women murdered in Mallorca will be read, a minute of silence will be observed and a tree and a plaque will be inaugurated in memory of all of them.

Attention to the victims

The insular director of Famílies, Maria Garrido, has informed that the Consell de Mallorca develops programs of special protection for women and children victims of male violence. The insular institution offers shelter services such as Casal Ariadna, the Aurora Program or Casa Violeta with different levels of care. This year, to date, a total of 170 people, including women and children, have been assisted in shelters.

With regard to other specialized resources on violence offered by the Consell de Mallorca through the Insular Directorate of Families, it should be noted that the Psychological Care Service has attended this year more than 1,000 demands and the legal assistance service about 500 until November. On the other hand, the Women’s Information Center (CID) attended a total of 2,328 women last year, a figure that will increase this year given the increase in demand in recent months.