Inca promotes the associative fabric and participation among the group of elderly people

Nov 21, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

One more year, the City Council of Inca opened a new call for grants for non-profit senior citizens’ organizations and approved a grant of 1,600 euros to each association of seniors in the municipality. “In this way, we want to continue helping associations of older people and contribute to the continuity of the existing associative network of older people in the city of Inca and encourage the implementation of actions by this group,” says the Councilor for the Elderly, Antonia Triguero.

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The associative fabric and participation among the group of elderly people

This year the consistory of the capital of Raiguer has allocated a total of 8,000 euros to this line of aid to assist those entities that promote participation and encourage the implementation of actions that promote healthy habits in the elderly, improving social relations, maintaining autonomy, preventing isolation, and in general all kinds of activities aimed at the physical, mental and social welfare of the group of the elderly.

In this case, therefore, to grant subsidies has been valued that the activities are focused on promoting active, healthy and satisfactory ageing; and maintaining and enhance the associationism, leisure and free time spaces for social participation of the group of older people in the municipality.

Thus, as part of the call for grants, the City Council of Inca has awarded a grant of 1,600 euros to the Association of Older People of San Francisco, the Pensioners Club of Inca, Friends of the Socio-Cultural Center of Inca, the Association of People of Inca and the Association of the Elderly of Inca.

“Our senior citizens are a very important and very active group in our city. Between all of us we have to contribute to energize them and help them to have at their disposal a great proposal of activities to promote active ageing, “explains mayor Virgilio Moreno.