The Consell de Mallorca celebrates the European Week for Waste Prevention 2023 with a program of activities in different municipalities of the island

Nov 21, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

From November 18 to 26, actions will be carried out to raise awareness among the population of the need to reduce packaging and separate waste for recycling

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The European Week for Waste Prevention 2023

The Consell de Mallorca celebrates the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) with a varied program of activities in different municipalities of the island to raise awareness among citizens about the sustainable management of resources and waste.

With the title “Don’t get wrapped up”, the Insular Directorate of Waste, belonging to the Department of Environment, Rural Environment and Sports, has organized this initiative, which will take place between 18 and 26 November in various locations in Mallorca.

This initiative, promoted by the European Union, will include upcycling or “creative recycling” workshops, storytelling, live cooking and a play, all related to the reduction of plastic packaging, which is the central theme of this year.

The activities are free and will take place in Binissalem, Inca, Campos, Marratxí, Pollença or Felanitx, among others.
The inauguration took place in the cloister of Llucmajor with the upcycling workshop, where participants could learn how to transform T-shirts into a bag and other decorations.

This Monday is scheduled a live cooking workshop without plastic in the Misericordia, in Palma, will be attended by the Minister of Environment, Rural Affairs and Sports, Pedro Bestard, who stressed the “importance of doing an educational work with children, so that they learn in a fun way to develop responsible consumption habits, teaching them to reduce, recycle and reuse”.
The activities will move to the Part Forana on Wednesday, the 22nd, with storytelling at CEIP Blai Bonet in Santanyí and CEIP Inspector Joan Capó in Felanitx.

The closing of the Week will be on Saturday, November 25, from 11 am, at the Centro Cultural la Misericordia in Palma, with storytelling about the sea of plastic, the upcycling workshop and an amateur social theatre play on waste reduction.