The Institute of Balearic Studies and AMIC Illes Balears celebrate the Conference “New trends in proximity journalism and artificial intelligence” in Palma

Nov 21, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

On November 22nd at 5 pm will take place in Palma, organized by the Institute of Balearic Studies (IEB) and the executive direction of the AMIC Illes Balears, conference on “New trends in local journalism and artificial intelligence”, in order to give impetus and modernize the newsrooms of local media, especially its transition to the digital world and its constant development. The training proposal is aimed at journalists and editors of local media, as well as other communication professionals, putting on the table the new ways of communicating and trends in local media and the use of AI.

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The Institute of Balearic Studies and AMIC Illes Balears celebrate the Conference

In this sense, the Auditorium of the Archive of the Kingdom of Mallorca will feature presentations by experts in communication and specialists in the digital world, who will present a series of practical and theoretical advice in order to offer new resources, knowledge and ways of working to attendees.

The event will be opened by Ramon Grau, president of AMIC Illes Balears. Then, the conference will offer three presentations by experts in the world of communication. First, Carmina Crusafon, PhD in Information Sciences at the UAB, will open the turn, will present: “The local press market in France: trends and main examples”. Crusafon will address the main trends that are shaping the current dynamics of the French local press market, presented during the Festival del info locale, an annual meeting in Nantes on the French local press.

Secondly, Josep M. Ganyet, CEO of Mortensen and expert in digital communication and artificial intelligence, with the paper “AI in the newsrooms”, will explain the phenomenon generated due to the irruption of generative AI in the day-to-day and how this change, which leaves such a powerful technology within general reach, affects society and, specifically, the processes of operation and execution within the newsrooms.

Finally, Quico Domingo, director of Mortensen and IT consultant, will present the paper “Practical examples and AI tools for newsrooms”. In this case, Domingo will present different tools, platforms, use cases and best practices of AI in journalism through case studies and examples, where attendees can learn in situ different processes of content creation in text, audio and images.