The Subcommittee for the Promotion of Civility in Tourist Zones incorporates the manager of IBDona and the British Consul in the Balearic Islands

Nov 21, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sports, Jaume Bauzà, chaired today the session of the Subcommittee for the Promotion of Civility in Tourist Areas, which took place at the headquarters of the Conselleria and telematically. Representatives of the city councils of Palma, Sant Antoni, Calvià and Llucmajor, the Consell de Mallorca and Eivissa, the Government Delegation, the National Police, the Civil Guard, the General Directorates of Public Health, Services and Pharmacy and Commerce, as well as the agents that work in the zones: hotel, commerce, restaurant and leisure federations, neighbourhood associations and trade unions, have participated. The manager of IBDona and the British Consul General in the Balearic Islands have also joined this subcommittee.

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The Subcommittee for the Promotion of Civility in Tourist Zones

In this sense, the counsellor Bauzà has valued very positively the presence in the subcommittee “of the agents that live and know the day to day of the tourist areas, and that can contribute their vision of first hand on how to avoid uncivil behaviours in certain places”. This is the first time that this Sub-Commission has met since the publication of the 2020 law against excessive tourism.

Each institution has presented the relevant data in relation to the actions carried out, making an analysis of the 2023 season. Proposals have also been made for the possible modification of the Decree Law 1/2020 of January 17, against the tourism of excesses for the improvement of the quality in tourist areas.

Among other issues, it has been proposed that the municipalities should be the ones to propose the delimitation of the zoning that currently governs the Decree or the legal forms of application of precautionary measures within the sanctioning processes, especially with regard to offenders or persons who commit uncivil attitudes.

With the contributions of those present, which will be delivered to the Conselleria in writing, a draft amendment to the law will be prepared and presented at the next meeting of the Subcommittee. Thus, it is expected that a new regulation on the promotion of civility in tourist areas will be ready for next season.